Sunday, February 28, 2010

Say What?

Jim Bunning, Republican U.S. Senator from Kentucky, is the lone man in the Senate holding up the unemployment extension for MILLIONS of people who depend on the funds to get by in this terrible economy the United States is enduring.

Shame! Shame! Shame!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


With the recent earthquakes and tsunamis happening world wide, is judgment day coming sooner than we human beings would like to believe?
Just today, the huge earthquake in Chile and the tsunami approaching Hawaii are the most recent examples.
Several months ago, when the motion picture 2012 came out, heftyinfo put together a post regarding the end times and the fact that Family Radio and their co-founder Harold Camping (pictured upper right) is stating quite emphatically that the end of the world will occur in 2011.
Recently in Illinois (of all places) an earthquake the magnitude of approximately 4.5 occurred in the middle of the night and many people were quite abuzz about this activity.
Now while the bible says no man knows the day or the hour of the coming of the LORD, and that signs and wonders will abound and should not be heeded because they are the works of the devil, it should be noted that Mr. Camping and Family Radio are calling for a massive world wide earthquake to signal the start of the judgment process in the end times.
Strange indeed.
While we as humans cannot understand all of the works of God, because we are finite creatures, it is interesting to see what has been happening in the recent years regarding all of this activity.
This isn't meant to be a scare tactic or anything of that nature, facts that have happened are merely being pointed out.
As Mr. Camping duly notes, will May 21, 2011 be the day of the big earthquake?
We will just have to wait and see, won't we?
In the meantime, one can only hope the world will perhaps become a better place for all of us prior to the end times that just might be around the corner.
The fact is we as people, do not know.
Stay tuned.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tragedy at Sea World

Three strikes and you're out ... KILL THE WHALE!

Monday, February 22, 2010


The San Diego Chargers released veteran running back LaDainian Tomlinson today.
Tomlinson, also known as "LT", holds numerous Chargers and NFL records and ranks third on the NFL's All-Time list with 153 touchdowns.
LT was the league's 2006 Most Valuable Player when he rushed for 1,815 yards (the first of two consecutive NFL rushing titles) and scored an NFL record 31 touchdowns in that one season. His 186 points scored in 2006 is the highest point total for one season by an individual player in league history.
The Chargers finished the 2009 season, Tomlinson's lowest output in his nine-year career, with a 13-3 record and lost a heart breaker in the divisional round of the AFC playoffs to the surprising New York Jets, 17-14 as their usual reliable kicker, Nate Kaeding missed two field goals of 40 yards or less.
Tomlinson burst onto the NFL scene in 2001 as a rookie and in nine seasons with the Chargers accumulated 153 total TDs, 138 rushing TDs, which is second all time in the NFL and 12, 490 yards rushing, which ranks among the best ever to play in the National Football League.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Enough of the double standards already

When Eldrick "Tiger" Woods made his big announcement earlier today, it hit this individual as a huge double standard in this country and that continues to be the case.
Woods isn't the only "celebrity" going through the scrutiny for his behavior as far as sexual exploits is concerned.
Recently in Illinois, Scott Lee Cohen was forced to resign as an elected candidate for Lieutenant Governor due to an affair with a prostitute five years ago.
Woods is black while Cohen is a member of the Democratic party.
The point is these two men have been held to the fire to the extreme while Republicans David Vitter (U.S. Senator from Louisiana), John Ensign (U.S. Senator from Nevada) and Mark Sanford (GOP Governor from South Carolina) have skated and REMAIN IN OFFICE after their extra marital affairs were also made public.
Why the double standard regarding these people?
Is it because of the extreme right wing media bias? AKA Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, etc.?
Me thinks so!
These people are always whining on their programs about the liberal media bias.
Give it up already regarding that argument. It simply does not hold water.
Whatever the "right" wants, the "right" gets.
It's no secret the elitists (Dick Armey and Freedom Works, etc.) are the actual backers of the so called "Tea Party" movement in this country and they are using these ordinary folks to further their agenda of corporate control and greed in the United States of America.
These people they are using are simply cutting their own throats (figuratively speaking) as far as their own financial futures are concerned because Armey and his corporate cronies do not give a hoot about these people.
They are all suckers for the extreme right wing agenda and they do not even know it.
Back to Woods... it seems his whole story is nothing more than a distraction several months after the facts came out about his sexual activity.
Who cares?
That seems to be the attitude when it comes to Senators Vitter and Ensign as well as Mark Sanford and their kinky affairs.
So why all the attention on Woods?
Why was Scott Lee Cohen forced to resign and these other guys are still in political office?
The double standard of course.
Explain it otherwise people because I am all ears.
Let's see the pressure kicked up on the three guys from the GOP and get some answers from them. After all, they are elected public officials which we we pay for with our tax dollars.
Are you listening tea baggers?
Enough of the double standards already.
Hold all sexual offenders accountable, not just some of them.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


After a lengthy NFL season and the political storms that never seem to stop (and never will) due to the divisive nature our country is in, heftyinfo is recharging and will be back (hopefully better than ever) sometime in the near future.
There is just too much going on right now personally in my field of work and the craziness that is the United States of America borders on a fictional novel these days.
Having come to this point is not real easy to say the least but, upon watching the Super Bowl with a few close friends this weekend, it is obvious that America is STILL ASLEEP (see picture at upper right) when it comes to real issues facing real people.
Why else would "working class" people, which comprise over 95 percent of this nation, side with the nonsense they hear on the Fox Network and elsewhere?
These people DO NOT realize they are cutting their own throats (figuratively speaking) by aimlessly following their "masters" to their own slaughter, just like the sheep they are.
What a pity.
As the issues continue to mount (and they are many)... many blog sites and cable TV news shows will continue to monitor the events and heftyinfo will take note.
As a "working class" person (we also used to be called middle class, remember that?) it is sad to see the corporate take over of this country we (still) call the United States of America.
Kudos to Thom Hartmann, a syndicated radio talk show host (WCPT radio in Chicago) out of the Portland, Oregon area for telling it like it is.
Like political talker Ed Schultz (MSNBC), this man challenges ALL political figures, including President Obama for not doing their jobs.
What would happen to all the sheep if Fox "News" decided to suddenly get out of the lock step they are in with the right and actually grow a pair of balls and challenge these people for all the screw ups they made over the years that have helped create the current mess this country is facing?
In the meantime, observation will be the norm and the people and their blogs and websites will continue to be followed on a regular basis.
Work is still busy (for now) and a person has to make their living.

So long for now...

It's finally over

The NFL season came to a close with the New Orleans Saints winning the Super Bowl, 31-17 over the Indianapolis Colts in Miami on Sunday evening.
Saints quarterback Drew Brees, named the game's Most Valuable Player, threw for two touchdowns and the Saints defense did what they needed to do in the second half in shutting down the Colts offense. Tracy Porter returned an interception 74 yards to seal the win at 31-17 with just over three minutes remaining in the game.
The Colts jumped out to a 10-0 lead after one quarter and the Saints could muster only two field goals by kicker Garrett Hartley (both from beyond 40 yards) in the first half.
A surprise onside kickoff that the Saints recovered to start the second half seemed to light a spark for New Orleans and they never looked back after that, out scoring Indy, 25-7 in the second half.
Peyton Manning finished with 333 yards passing with a touchdown and the costly interception in the final quarter.
Trailing 17-16 in the final quarter, Brees threw a two-yard scoring pass to tight end Jeremy Shockey and the two-point conversion was successful on a pass to Lance Moore, who made a great diving catch to give the Saints a 24-17 lead with 5:42 remaining.
In a bizarre season which saw both of these teams go to 13-0 before New Orleans suffered its' first defeat, it was indeed a strange game that saw both of these teams feeling each other out like prize fighters as they played it unusually close to the vest on offense.
But in the end, the New Orleans Saints prevailed and now the Big Easy can rest easy as they are returning home with the trophy.
See ya' next season!

Friday, February 5, 2010


Indianapolis Colts vs. New Orleans Saints

The Colts and Saints are set to kickoff Super Bowl 44 in Miami on Sunday, February 7th, 2010 and it should be an entertaining football game.
Both of these teams are the number-one seeds from their respective conferences and posted the top records in 2009.
Both teams have high powered offensive attacks that rely mostly on the passing game with the running game sprinkled in to keep opposing defenses honest.
The Saints are led by Drew Brees, the top rated quarterback in the NFC who leads the team through the air with his rifle arm. The Colts' leader is four-time NFL MVP Peyton Manning, who is a pin-point passer who can dissect a defense in no time. Just ask loudmouth Jets' Coach Rex Ryan about that.
When it comes to the defense, the Saints rely on turnovers while the Colts are a little more consistent against both the run and the pass than their opponent from the Big Easy.
New Orleans' opportunistic defense led the league in scoring on defense this season as defensive back Darren Sharper led the way with multiple scores off interceptions.
The Saints have Reggie Bush, punt returner extraordinaire as well who could be a wild card factor in the outcome of this game on special teams.
Look for the Saints to try and out pass the Colts (if that's possible) to win the game. If they succeed, they will win. Brees has multiple targets to throw to in Marques Colston, Jeremy Shockey, Bush, Devery Henderson, Lance Moore, Pierre Thomas and Robert Meacham.
Meanwhile, Manning can throw to a number of different receivers as well. His favorite targets are Dallas Clark and Reggie Wayne. If they are covered, he can go to Pierre Garcon and Austin Collie as well as running back Joseph Addai.
These two quarterbacks should light it up as the game goes along and the call here is for a high scoring game with the outcome possibly being decided simply by which team has the ball last.
That being said, the defenses will probably ratchet it up a notch or two and take over in much the same way New England and the New York Giants did two years ago in the Super Bowl.
One intriguing factor for the Colts may be the possible loss of defensive end Dwight Freeney (severe ankle sprain) for this game. He will be a game-time decision and if he cannot go, then Brees will have even more time to pick apart the Colts secondary, which can be suspect at times.
No matter, these two teams should provide for a great Super Bowl and the call here is for the Colts to come away with the Vince Lombardi trophy in a close one.


heftyinfo playoff picks record: 7-3