Sunday, February 27, 2011


Man is this ever true, especially in the wake of recent times.
Check this video out and remember that the assault on Americans (workers) and the middle class has been ongoing for over thirty years now.
These people have to be stopped.

Friday, February 25, 2011

We The People!

Back to writing.
This blogger has been posting a lot of videos lately to emphasize and re-emphasize the point that We The People must stand up to the corporate tyranny being displayed across our nation.
Just look at the tragic actions taking place in Wisconsin as their wannabe dictator who calls himself governor is trying to bust up unions and stick it to the working men and women of that great state once again.
President Obama exclaimed that two and a half years ago at his acceptance speech in Denver, CO at the Democratic National Convention.
That is what We The People must do.
Exclaim "Enough!"
I know many people who are teachers, nurses, policemen, fire fighters, and any other public sector worker you care to list.
WE are the United States of America... NOT THE CORPORATIONS.
Corporations (and most politicians who lick their boots, especially Republicans) do not give a hoot about the United States of America.
They worship the almighty dollar and the rest of the people be damned.
My point is this is OUR COUNTRY and We The People have to take it back.
That is why I will be attending a rally in Chicago on Saturday to support the good working men and women of America's Unions.
These bastards can't take away anyone's rights and they need to be told they cannot do this.
Who's with me?
If you truly love this country and are sick and tired of all the madness that has been taking place in the past two years with the teabaggers (those silly corporate puppets) and birthers, etc., then you need to take a stand and show support for the Middle Class of this country.
This is America, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
Don't give up the fight and fight the corporate powers.
God Bless America!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hey Wisconsin, Get Rid of This Bum

Like the recall vote in California in 2003 when then Governor Grey Davis was knocked out, Wisconsin voters are probably wishing they could do the same to their would be dictator "governor" Scott Walker (pictured right) after his asinine declaration of war against state workers.
Who does this asshole think he is anyway?
In fact, the following song is dedicated to Wisconsin "governor" Scott Walker.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Obama bowing to the corporate powers again

This will be short and sweet.
President Obama ... what the hell are you doing?
The people of this country put you in office for change, not the bowing down to the corporate special interests you are once again displaying with the annual budget put out this week.
Once again, the corporations win out and the GOP and the "right" are still bitching about the budget the Obama Administration put out.
Obama already caved and allowed the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest people to continue and also slashed funding for Social Security.
FDR is rolling over in his grave.
If this continues, this Obama supporter (and I literally knocked on doors and made phone calls in '08 for Obama & Biden) is done.
No votes here for the GOP of course in 2012, but Obama is really looking weak-kneed and has to get back to his base if he is to be taken seriously in 2012, otherwise expect more of the same crap we saw at the polls in 2010.
Snap out of it Obama!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Problems Abound ... Ya' Think?

Ya' think?

When politicians become puppets for the corporate powers and ignore the needs of the people that elected them ... that's a problem.

The emphasis of Super Bowl Sunday (and there are too many examples to mention) is more on the TV commercials and outside activity than the game itself ... there's something wrong there.

The media concentrates more on Egypt's recent situation than they do on the problems plaguing Americans every day in this country by not reporting on them ... that's a problem.

The United States Supreme Court can seat judges that rule in favor of corporate powers and can have conflicting interests (see Clarence Thomas) as they rule on things their spouses have a role in ... there's something definitely wrong there.

More people in the United States vote on topics such as American Idol or Dancing With the Stars than actually go out and vote in political elections ... that's really a problem.

Politics is completely ruled by money (and with money comes power and usually corruption) and the one with the most cash wins the election ... that's a problem.

People begin to turn their backs on one another in times of economic crisis ... there's something wrong there.

School shootings become "routine" stories on the news cast ... that's a HUGE problem.

The gap between the "haves" and "have nots" continues to widen at an alarming rate and nobody seems to care ... that's a problem.

People continue to root for the failure of the United States (see Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, the GOP, etc.) because they don't control the White House ... there's something un-American and definitely something wrong with that.

People's sense of what really matters most hinges on what the latest news poll trends are ... that's a problem.

The fact that the Chicago Cubs actually believe they can win this year's World Series ...

Ya' think?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Fun

Here is one from the archives... the late comedian Sam Kinison in his debut performance in 1985 on Late Night with David Letterman.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


The Green Bay Packers came through all the adversity they endured during the 2010 regular season and won the Super Bowl, 31-25 over the Pittsburgh Steelers in Dallas on Sunday evening.
The title is the fourth Super Bowl championship for the Packers, who became the second number-six seed (along with Pittsburgh in 2005) to win the Vince Lombardi trophy.
Green Bay quarterback Aaron Rodgers was named the Most Valuable Player for the game as he was 24-for-39 for 304 yards passing with three touchdowns and no interceptions.
On the other side, Pittsburgh QB Ben Roethlisberger was 25-for-40 for 263 yards with two TD, but also threw two interceptions, one which was taken back for a score by Green Bay's Nick Collins to give the Packers a 14-0 lead late in the first quarter.
Turnovers told the story of this game as the Steelers turned it over three times while the Packers had NO turnovers in the game.
Big difference!
Rodgers hit wide receiver Jordy Nelson for a 29-yard score to make it 7-0 and then Collins stepped in and picked off Roethlisberger to make it 14-0 after one quarter.
The Steelers closed it to 14-3 and then Green Bay went up 21-3 when Rodgers threw a TD pass to Greg Jennings.
Just before the half, Hines Ward hauled in a TD pass for the Steelers to make it a 21-10 game.
The Steelers seemed to steal the momentum in the second half by stopping the Packers right out of the gate and then driving down in smash mouth style with Rashard Mendenhall scoring on a 8-yard run to close the game to 21-17.
The game remained that way until early in the fourth quarter when the Steelers were driving for the lead in Green Bay territory.
But Mendenhall fumbled from the Packers' 36-yard line and then Rodgers and company drove down field and Rodgers hooked up with Jennings for a second touchdown to give Green Bay a 28-17 lead.
Pittsburgh came back and cut the deficit to three points (28-25) when Mike Wallace hauled in a 25-yard scoring pass and then Antwaan Randle-El ran for the two-point conversion.
But then Green Bay came back with the key play in the drive being Rodgers hooking up with Jennings for a 31-yard gain on a third-and-10 pass.
Mason Crosby nailed a 23-yard field goal to provide the final margin for the Packers, who are returning home to Green Bay with the Lombardi trophy.

Reagan's 100th Birthday

Today would have been former U.S. President Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday.

So What?

Ronald Reagan wasn't so great.
Granted, he became the 40th President of the United States of America.
But then again, there were 39 others ahead of him that became the President of the United States.
One of them, Gerald Ford, became president when Richard M. Nixon had to resign in disgrace in 1974 amid the Watergate scandal.
That was back in the OLD days when journalists actually had some balls and did their jobs and investigated and were not afraid to tell people of "influence" to fuck off and reported the real stories going on around the world.
Unfortunately, we probably will never see that type of journalism again because the media is just a bunch of shills for the corporations that now RUN THIS WORLD.
Yes, it is sad that the fourth estate (according to the U.S. Constitution) is afraid to report truth anymore. Things gets spun and twisted to conform to what the bastards running the show want you and me to hear.

Which brings this back to Reagan.

Ronald Reagan was president when the "fairness doctrine" came under fire amid the deregulation of the FCC in 1986.
That set the stage for the arrival ten years later of the sinister Fox "News" Channel, launched by Reagan ass kisser Rupert Murdoch, who was not even a U.S. citizen in those days.
In fact, history shows that the legendary columnist Mike Royko quit the Chicago Sun-Times in 1983 when Murdoch seized control of that newspaper and went over to the rival Chicago Tribune.
That should have told people something way back then.
But most people don't pay attention to those sort of things.
Shame on them.

Reagan infamously said "Tear down that wall" to Gorbachev of the former Soviet Union back in the late 1980's.
The thing is Russia (as it is now called) and the influence running things there was already on the way out and it was just a matter of time before communism in that part of the world was doomed.

(Funny though, China is a communist country and we deal with them, even though economically they are whooping our asses thanks to ridiculous WTO treaties we went into under another globalist known as Bill Clinton).

Reagan was from Dixon, Illinois before becoming a radio broadcaster for the Chicago Cubs and later played in many 'B' grade movies in Hollywood as well as a featured role as the "Gipper" in 'Knute Rockne, All American.'
In the 1960's he became the governor of California and immediately began attacks on organized labor and that continued in the early 1980's when he became the President of the United States when he threatened PATCO workers across America as they prepared to strike the airports.
What about the Iran-Contra Scandal that resulted in the felony conviction of Oliver North?
Reagan stumbled all through that as it was exposed that a deal had been struck with Iran to not let the 53 U.S. hostages go free until after the 1980 election when Reagan was running against incumbent president Jimmy Carter.
The impact of "Reaganomics" as they were called in the '80's still are being felt in this country today as millions of Americans have seen their jobs outsourced, homes foreclosed on, etc.
Reagan's tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans need to be rolled back. Never mind the Bush (Jr.) tax cuts being rolled back, ROLL BACK THE REAGAN TAX CUTS.
The tax rate on people making in excess of three millions-plus dollars annually dropped from 74 percent to 28 percent under Reagan.
Trickle down economics as they are called, do not work and it started with Ronald Reagan some thirty years ago. His own vice-president, George H.W. Bush, called it "voodoo" economics.
That should tell you something.

Ronald Reagan a great president?


A mediocre president at best who was a genuine good guy, but definitely NOT a great president.

Once again, the right wing influence rears it's tentacles and the corporate media obliges with all sorts of warm tributes to Reagan.
How sad it is because there are many former great presidents in the history of this country.

Ronald Reagan ... R I P ... if that's possible.

Saturday, February 5, 2011



Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Green Bay Packers
The 2010 NFL season has been in the books, the playoffs played and the journey that started back in July for 32 teams comes down to the Pittsburgh Steelers and Green Bay Packers in this year's version of the Super Bowl.
The Packers are a slight favorite, according to the gamblers in Las Vegas, but don't go on that.
The Steelers have been here before and this group knows how to get it done in crunch time.
That is why Heftyinfo is taking the Pittsburgh Steelers to win the game.

Here's a breakdown of the two teams in this game:

PACKERS OFFENSE: Quarterback Aaron Rodgers is solid and has shown that on a consistent basis in 2010.
He can get rattled at times (the Detroit Lions knocked him out of a game in December) and the Steelers are masters at pressuring quarterbacks.
The running game for Green Bay has gotten a boost from James Starks, who has been great in the post-season after the Packers' run attack was stuck all season long with Ryan Grant out with injuries.
The wide receivers are among the best in football with Greg Jennings, Donald Driver, James Jones, Jordy Nelson and tight end Donald Lee.

PACKERS DEFENSE: The linebacking corps is perhaps the best in the NFL, along with the Steelers' linebacker unit.
Clay Matthews and A.J. Hawk are formidable and can stop the run and get after the quarterback as well.
The secondary has veteran Charles Woodson leading the way and Green Bay is decent against the pass and can ball hawk, evidenced by the turnover ratio they post.

COACHING: Mike McCarthy and his staff know how to get the most out of the talent on the roster, as they have overcome multiple injuries to key players all season long.
The offense is top flight and the defense ranks among the Top Five in football, including scoring defense. Along with the Steelers, Green Bay is among the top two teams in scoring defense.

STEELERS OFFENSE: The team will be without starting center Maurkice Pouncey, who's out with a high ankle sprain. The Pittsburgh O-Line is good, but has been banged up at times this season and quarterback Ben Roethlisberger and the offense will have to step it up against the vaunted Green Bay defense.
Roethlisberger is a good QB and has shown he can win the big games (he already has two Super Bowl rings to his credit) as Pittsburgh rallied against Baltimore in the divisional round and then bolted out to a 24-0 lead against the Jets in the AFC title game.
The wide receivers are Hines Ward (Super Bowl 40 MVP), Mike Wallace and Antwaan Randle-El. Tight End Heath Miller is also a favorite target for Big Ben.
The running game features 1,000 plus yard rusher Rashard Mendenhall, who has been solid in the playoffs.

STEELERS DEFENSE: Much like the Green Bay Packers, the linebacking unit is top flight, with James Harrison and LaMarr Woodley leading the way for Pittsburgh.
The defensive front is great and the Steelers led the NFL in rush defense, allowing just over 60 yards per game in 2010.
The secondary has 2010 NFL Defensive Player of the Year Troy Polamalu at safety.
This defense finished second overall defensively in 2010 and simply doesn't allow opposing teams to run the football or score that many points.

COACHING: Mike Tomlin is a young coach and his staff is going for their second Super Bowl title in three seasons.
The team is solid offensively and the defense speaks for itself with Dick LeBeau at Defensive Coordinator. The 'D' has been called "Blitzburgh" for the complex blitz schemes LeBeau employs.

GAME OUTLOOK: Green Bay will look to throw early and often and sprinkle in the run with Starks against a formidable Pittsburgh defense.
If the Steelers can stuff the run and get pressure on Rodgers, they can force the Packers' signal caller into mistakes and with turnovers come opportunity.
The same can be said when the Steelers have the football.
The Packers' defense can get after it and should they not allow Pittsburgh to run the ball and get pressure on Roethlisberger, that too can force turnovers.
The outcome of the game should be close and TURNOVERS will be the key.
Look for a great game and perhaps even the first-ever overtime game in the Super Bowl.

HEFTYINFO PICK: Pittsburgh 27, Green Bay 24

Wednesday, February 2, 2011