Saturday, May 31, 2014


Here we go again . . . . .

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Shame On Them

It's Memorial Day Weekend and how's this for news regarding America's veterans who served our country?
Take a look at the names of the U.S. Senators who did this   .  .  .  Republican Mark Kirk (Illinois), who suffered a severe stroke two and a half years ago, was one and perhaps the worst of all is seeing "war hero" John McCain (Republican from Arizona) on this list as well. McCain is always chortling on about taking care of the veterans and slams President Barack Obama every chance he gets to do so on this issue, yet votes against helping the veterans, of which he is one.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Random Topics ... Random Thoughts

Here we go, I am putting my thinking cap on and going to it on different events that have recently transpired in this country of ours . . . . . 

So, it appears that Benghazi is back on the table for the Republicans to kick around again as they attempt to smear Hillary Clinton before she has even announced a run for President of the United States in 2016.
Is that really any surprise considering Darrell Issa is heading up the panel to go after those "responsible" for what happened nearly two years ago? What a bunch of morons!

How about Karl Rove (Bush's "brain") making the claim that Hillary Clinton is mentally unstable and may be brain damaged months after the rest of the GOP said she was faking after a fainting episode last year? Another moron as well as a political has been.
What's the deal with this clown Cliven Bundy out in Nevada sponging off the American taxpayers by having his cattle graze on government lands? They ought to make like the Old West (like the right wing seems to want to take the USA back to) with this guy and hang 'em high!

The teabaggers seem to be fading away, what with the big flop for the 10 Million Man March on Washington, D.C. that had about 1,000 people show up for the "Big Event." Not only that, but incumbent Mitch McConnell (Republican-Kentucky) easily won the GOP primary over  a "tea party" opponent for the U.S. Senate.

Ha Ha Ha!

In the sports world, what a shame Montreal Canadiens goaltender Carey Price was injured in Game One of the NHL Eastern Conference Finals and will be out for the remainder of the series with the New York Rangers. Price is one of the top three goalies in the NHL and now it looks like the upstart Rangers will advance to the Stanley Cup Final (they lead 2-0 in series with Montreal) to get creamed by the defending champion Chicago Blackhawks, who should make quick work of the Los Angeles Kings in the Western Conference Finals.

Good on the St. Louis Rams for making Michael Sam (pictured  right) a draft pick for their football team in the recent NFL Draft. Sam came out as the first openly gay football player and if things pan out, he should make the team this year.
Sam was the Southeast Conference Defensive Player of the Year in 2013, which is College football's top conference. Best wishes for him in the upcoming season.

How about that Donald Sterling, the racist owner of the NBA's Los Angeles Clippers? . . . umm make that the soon-to-be former owner of the team as Sterling continues to put his foot in his mouth and has told the NBA he will not pay the 2.5 million dollar fine assessed by league officials recently when Sterling was caught on tape making racist remarks to his mistress. Another moron is what he is!

Back to politics ...

Will the United States Congress attempt to get anything done this year what with the mid-term elections approaching in November?
Doubt it seeing as the do nothing Republican led U.S. House of Representatives continues to fudge around with Benghazi hearings (AGAIN) and continues to hold votes to repeal Obamacare (ain't gonna happen)  and propose silly budgets presented by Paul Ryan, the buffoon who masquerades as a representative from Wisconsin in our nation's capitol.

When will the U.S. Supreme Court stop acting like they are politicians in black robes and actually
rule justly on cases brought before them? (See "Citizens" United and McCutcheon cases) . . .
What a joke that has become, especially with the five radical right wingers known as Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts.

They are an embarrassment to this country!

In closing, so far so good as the gas prices around the country have stabilized and may not reach five dollars a gallon after all this summer. That's a relief for the American people.

Enjoy the upcoming Memorial Day Holiday weekend!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

More Time!

The third chapter of some of America's Biggest Assholes . . .

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (Republican)

Bill O' Reilly

Take your pick from these three stooges

LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling

Bush and Cheney crony Condoleezza Rice

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler

Glenn Beck

Rush Limbaugh

This clown represents corporate greed

Teabagger Queen Michele Bachmann

Sunday, May 11, 2014

It's Still Time!

More of America's Biggest Assholes  . . . . .

Sarah Palin

Eric Cantor (Republican- Virginia)

Paul Ryan (Republican- Wisconsin)

Republican US House Speaker John Boehner

Louie Gohmert (Republican- Texas)

Ted Cruz (Republican- Texas)

Ted Nugent (has been rock singer and GOP flunky)

Stacey Campfield (Republican- Tennessee)

Rand Paul (Republican- Kentucky)

Newt Gingrich (Republican strategist)

Republican Senator (Kentucky) Mitch McConnell AKA Mitch McTurtle

Friday, May 9, 2014

It's Time!

It's time people ... here it is ... America's Biggest Assholes!

Darrell Issa -Republican (California)

Karl Rove - Republican strategist
Take your pick from these five clowns

Sean Hannity - Fox Network "News"

VULTURE Capitalists Bruce Rauner and Mitt Romney

The Koch Brothers

Marsha Blackburn - Republican (Tennessee)
I'm just getting warmed up ... TO BE CONTINUED