Friday, March 27, 2020

Saturday, March 21, 2020

A New Way of Life (For Now)

Here we go.
It is just past 5 p.m. in the Chicagoland area here in Illinois and the "stay at home" order is now in effect as the corona virus pandemic continues to expand in the United States and across the globe as well.
Hopefully with this procedure, things will change as the virus won't be so rampant as people self quarantine in their homes and practice "social distancing" from now until at least April 7th per the orders of Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker.
The virus seems to be waning somewhat over in China, South Korea and other areas of the world as the "lock down" type procedures have been happening there. This is what we are being told in recent weeks. However, over in Italy it has become like a bad combination of a science fiction and horror movie as hundreds of people are dying each day from the COVID-19 illness.
Terrible news.
Here in Illinois, the number of people being tested for the virus has been increasing and along with it the number of new cases. It's being reported on the local news that Illinois now has 753 cases in the state with six people dead from the virus.
This is something new to Americans across the country as the states of California, New York and now Illinois go through this new way of living as people are not to go outside (in Illinois' plans) except for grocery shopping or medical appointments or to go to banks or gas stations. Officials are discouraging "non essential" travel for the next two-and-a-half weeks.
On most Saturday evenings, folks would be going out for dinner to restaurants, pizza places and local taverns and pubs. The restaurant establishments are still open for business, but only for curb side pickups from phone orders or for delivery service.
However, in order to help keep the spread of the virus from continuing at a rapid pace we must now stay home. It will take some getting used to for most people I am sure. As for myself, being a little older these days, I am more of a "home body" and enjoy the quiet evening time at home.
The main thing is that we as Americans can alter our lifestyles to help quell this pandemic that has caused havoc for last few months as many have become sickened or died. It is a bit intimidating for many of us and a lot of people are indeed frightened, contrary to what Trump might think.
Without going off on the stalling around from the current White House administration with getting test kits out across the land in a timely manner as well as medical supplies for the doctors, nurses and other medical professional personnel, it's important to remember a lot of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 are in way worse conditions right now.
Here's hoping things will improve as quick as possible and we can get back to a more normal way of living that we have grown to know. But for now, adjustments will be made as trips to the store are less frequent (crowded they have been but people have been pretty cool in my area) and getting used to not making a run for a bite to eat or seeing a movie is going to be different.
And of course, there is no live professional or college sports happening either. Normally, the college basketball tournament known as "March Madness" would be going right now.
Not this year. None of them will be back in the near future, but eventually they will return.
Right now, it's time for common sense and following good hygiene (frequent hand washing and wiping off surfaces with cleaning wipes, etc.) that will help along with the "social distancing" when going out for a walk or to the stores or other public areas that will remain open for the duration.
As it has been said, we are all in this together and as long as folks do their part and don't get into any sort of panic mode as the numbers surely will go up for infections and more deaths unfortunately, things will change and the pandemic curve will flatten out. Keeping those numbers at a minimum is crucial to eventually help end this whole thing or at least keep it under control until a vaccine can be developed.
Time will tell the rest of the story. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

It's Time

My fellow Americans, this thing has got to go . . .                                       


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Strange Days Indeed

What with the global pandemic now being declared by WHO (World Health Organization) over the coronavirus (COVID-19) that started out in China and was kept hush hush by their communist government as the doctor who discovered it eventually was muzzled about it and then later died from it, things are definitely going full tilt in this world of ours.
Here in the United States, Trump just continues to flounder around as to what to do about this "hoax" as he describes it.
Well, it has been revealed today that award winning actor Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson have tested positive for the coronavirus while in Australia. Also, Rudy Gobert of the NBA's Utah Jazz has also been dubbed as positive. As a result of Gobert, the NBA is suspending the season effective immediately following the Wednesday league games.
The NCAA's March Madness is also in jeopardy of folding up for this year as they will not allow spectators into the arenas in the coming weeks.  
You know damn well that the National Hockey League and Major League Baseball will follow suit in the coming days as things continue to spiral out of control with this latest viral strand.
It's about the prevention of spreading this virus even further than it already has in this country.
Italy is in complete lock down because of this virus.
Think about that. 
A few years back during the Barack Obama Administration, the ebola outbreak as well as the H1N1 swine flu (remember those) epidemic caused quite a stir here in the U.S., but that was nothing compared to what's going on these days.
Sad fact is Trump and his inept administration have dropped the ball on this whole thing that was known back in November of last year as China was dealing with it.
The Trump administration ignored it and also cut back on the funding for the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) to make things even worse.
And just today, the REPUBLICAN led U.S. Senate BLOCKED paid emergency sick leave for Americans due to the coronavirus.

How sick and twisted are those people ?
Who would do that?
Kentucky republican senate majority leader MITCH  McCONNELL and his cohorts . . . that's who!

Just remember this when the elections are held (maybe) this November.
Vote them all out of office.

But knowing Trump and all the other bastards from the GOP, they will probably try and declare a state of emergency and cancel said elections so they can maintain power in this country and fuck things up even more than they already have.

God help us all.