Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Debt Ceiling 'Crisis' Is A Republican Made Sham

There is no debt ceiling 'crisis.'

The Republican party creates this mess every time there is a President of the United States that is from the Democratic party. Look it up going back to mid-1990's when the repubs got control of the U.S. House of Representatives. 

The democratic led U.S. House (Nancy Pelosi as Speaker) did their constitutional order (14th Amendment which states that the debt of the country SHALL NOT BE QUESTIONED) and took care of the so called debt ceiling for Trump without making all the drama that current house speaker Kevin McCarthy (Republican-California) is doing right now. 

The Constitution 14th Amendment  states . . . The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.

Apparently, the republicans DO NOT understand this. It is ordered by the U.S. Constitution for the Congress and Executive Branch to do just that. Pay the bills without question. 


In fact, President Biden called the republicans out in front of millions of people during the State of the Union address three months ago. No touching Social Security, Medicaid or Medicare as far as cuts go. They all agreed . . . So this is all on McCarthy and the republicans regarding the so called debt ceiling.

The media in this country doesn't help out either. The corporate controlled media keeps on pounding the drum over and over again that it is a 'debt ceiling crisis.' 

It isn't. 

It's a republican created scam that sets out to further screw over 99 percent of Americans while giving more and more to the richest people and the corporations. 

President Biden and democrats in Congress as well as the media need to call them out on their bullshit and end this charade once and for all. 

The U.S. Constitution demands it. 












Wednesday, May 10, 2023

CNN Is A National Embarrassment

CNN has become like Fox 'News' after the debacle that was the "town hall" with a traitor to the United States of America.

That so called news network had the audacity to let former president Donald J. Trump spew lie after lie in front of a carnival type crowd that razzed the host (a young lady) and in so doing has "jumped the shark" as a legitimate news source. 

The guy they let lie and lie and lie (a day after he was found guilty of sexual abuse in the E. Jean Carroll case) attempted a coup on our nation's government on January 6, 2021 and that fat bastard still isn't behind bars. 

Go figure. 

You don't give a platform to a traitor of the United States of America. 


End of discussion. 

Monday, May 1, 2023


 This says it all   . . .