Friday, June 30, 2023

Mid Year Musings

It's been a little while, but now is the time to expound on things going on in and around these United States of America. 

What the hell is going on with this radical extremist right wing Supreme Court of the United States? 

When the traitor Donald Trump was in office as president of the country, he appointed three morons to the SCOTUS and what a fucking disaster that has been. All three of these illegitimate justices (Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett) should not be there. In fact, they all should be recalled based on the actions of Trump with the coup attempt he led. 

Also illegitimate are bought and paid for justices Clarence Thomas (Bush, Sr. appointee) and Samuel Alito (Bush, Jr. appointee) who take gifts from billionaire types and diminish the character and integrity of our nation's highest court.

Yes, Trump was the unquestioned leader of a coup attempt of our national government. That took place on January 6, 2021 with the insurrection in Washington, D.C. and the "president" led the way all because he could not handle that he lost the 2020 election to current president Joe Biden.

That is treason my friends and Trump is a traitor to this country. 

Lock him up!

All the actions he did should immediately be repealed . . . the tax cuts for the rich as well as all three SCOTUS picks. Get rid of them as a result of the actions of traitor Trump and his illegitimate presidency. 

In other words, the United States Congress and the legal system need to grow a pair and do just that.

And while we're at it, how about those southern states attempting to enact all sorts of draconian laws? At least the ones regarding voter suppression have been ruled unconstitutional. But what about suppressing the rights of American citizens (LGBTQ) and the radical gun laws they propose? 

According to said political leaders in the red states, it's perfectly fine that children are murdered in cold blood in schools with military style weapons. Not just in schools, but also anywhere people go. Shopping malls, churches, grocery stores and many other public places have been make shift gun target ranges for the gun nuts that do the evil deeds. 

Just about one year ago (July 4, 2022) a lunatic in Highland Park, Illinois murdered and maimed dozens of people at a parade and with this year's 4th of July festivities just days away, many people are likely to be on edge as the holiday unfolds. How pathetic is that? The fact that too many "conservatives" just do not care about life in general says it all. These are many of the folks that still support Trump and his criminal insanity. 

Fact is he is facing (so far) 71 felony counts with many more still to come. That says it all folks. 

Time to end the madness once and for all. 

In the meantime, God Bless the United States of America! 




Thursday, June 8, 2023