Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dems Pushing for Health Care Reform Say 'Win One for Teddy' - ABC News

Dems Pushing for Health Care Reform Say 'Win One for Teddy' - ABC News

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  1. I hope this makes the Dems rally around. Too bad they are down to 59 votes in the senate though. Senator Kennedy will be missed greatly. I hope health care reform passes but I wish he was alive to see it, since it was his passionate cause.

  2. Yes Rae, indeed it was... there will be another Democratic Senator from Massachusetts don't worry about that...
    Health Care Reform will be passed this year.

  3. Senator Kennedy was so passionate about healthcare even back in the 70's. Such a great loss for healthcare advocacy. I hope those in power will remember Senator Kennedy and do the right thing. We've waited long enough.
