The 2010 mid-terms posted no real surprises as the Democratic Party held serve in the U.S. Senate while the Republican party gained the U.S. House of Representatives.
After all, the corporate controlled (mainstream) media, which is the best friend Sarah Palin has ever had, has been telling people for months that the GOP is going to win and people like to follow a winner.
That's human nature.
Even with the gains Republicans have made in the Congress, President Obama still has the power of the veto pen.
So, it's going to be interesting to see how the GOP gets along with these upstarts known as "teabaggers" that are really an off shoot of corporate America.
After all, the "tea party" movement is funded by Koch Industries and lobbyists' groups such as Freedom Works, which is headed by former House Republican big wig Dick Armey.
The real heroes for the GOP and the right wing movement in all of this is the U.S. Supreme Court and the insane ruling in the "Citizens United" decision resurrected by John Roberts, a George W. Bush appointee to the SCOTUS.
The ruling deemed corporations as "persons" and allowed said corporations to donate unlimited amounts of money to the candidates and their causes in this election cycle. In reality, the citizens united cause should be called "corporations united" because that is what it is.
One can only hope that the United States can remain a country that people living here can still call their own.
Italy (under Mussolini) and Spain (under Franco) attempted governing by corporate rule in the 1930's and '40's and the oligarchies they attempted didn't work out so well.
It's evident that multi-national corporations are now ruling in this country. Politicians are puppets and figure heads and nothing is going to change that because money talks and bullshit walks.
Anyone who believes otherwise is being naive and this election proves that out.
The GOP was awarded with tons and tons of corporate funding and none of it had to be accounted for thanks to the bought and paid for Supreme Court of the United States.
Many people on the right will say that labor unions, etc. also contribute to the Democratic party and yes they do. But that money is and always has been accounted for.
It is not anonymous money coming in from God knows where.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce as well donated millions and millions of dollars, some of it from foreign companies, to help influence American elections toward the Republican party.
That is bullshit and Roberts, along with Samuel Alito need to be tried and impeached from the U.S. Supreme Court for lying under oath when they stated they would NOT legislate from the bench during their confirmation hearings.
The Citizens United case proves they did just that.
They, along with Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia and Anthony Kennedy, are corporate shills and ought to ashamed of themselves for selling out this country.
If this trend continues, pack your bags and move to Canada because the United States as we know it will be gone forever and all the people who have been duped by the corporate lobbyists and their money will be whining, but it will be too late.
Thanks to their incompetence and listening to ministers of corporate propaganda on CNN and especially on Fox, this country is screwed.
People need to be involved politically and not just told who to vote for by corporate whores like Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, O' Reilly, etc.
Wake up people and think for yourselves.
The results of this election should be a wake up call for ALL Americans!
Let's just hope we all won't be sorry when the 112th Congress takes session in January.
In the meantime, get educated America, because this citizen is fed up with all the right wing bullshit being spewed about and is not going to take this sitting down.
Book It!
You failed to mention that corporate donations and participation from organization like the AFL-CIO and George Soros outspent the Republican groups.