Thursday, July 19, 2012

Simple Observations

Why is it the right wing media feels the need to defend Mitt Romney and his inadequacies regarding his secretive financial dealings, in particular the tax returns? I am speaking of Fox News, with the exception of Bill Kristol, a Fox 'contributor' who said Romney needs to take the hit for a day or two and release his tax returns.

"Queen" Annie (aka Ann Romney) seems to think her husband is above the "little people" who have to pay taxes with her snide comments today regarding Mitt Romney's hiding of his income tax returns, in particular form 1999-2002. "We have given YOU PEOPLE all we are going to," she said regarding the release of the Mittster's tax returns. She sounds just like the late Leona Helmsley, who once infamously stated that "only the little people pay taxes."

Why does Ayn Rand worshiper Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) continue to get so much publicity for a crappy national budget plan that guts Medicare and would force the elderly to take a 'voucher' for a mere $8,000?

While we are at it, why is Paul Ryan even a member of the U.S. House of Representatives? Oh yeah, the nit wits from Wisconsin sent him there. Yes, NIT WITS is what they are because they are the same people who chose Scott Walker, the Koch Bros. puppet, as governor of the dairy state.

It is no secret that the Republican party is no friend of labor, especially Union workers. So when I saw this at a Union job site in Chicago the other day, all I could do was shake my head... some people still just do not get it. Why would a Union worker or for that matter, any middle class worker support Mitt Romney for President of the United States?

Why all the hoopla for the new 'Batman' movie coming out tomorrow? I still like the 1989 version with Jack Nicholson as 'The Joker' best. Nicholson stole the show.

Speaking of the 'Batman' movie, right wing blowhard Rush Limbaugh stated on his radio gig recently that the new Batman is left wing propaganda because the villain in the movie is called "Bane" (as in Bain Capital according to Limbaugh) and works in favor of President Barack Obama in the upcoming election this fall beacuse Mitt Romney has come under much fire for his secretive financial matters while he was the CEO of Bain Capital.

Speaking of fire, the weather has been downright awful with the heat and humidity this summer. All across the country, it has been sweltering this year. Can you say Global Warming?

And finally, NFL training camps for the 2012 season get started in less than two weeks.

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