As far as Wednesday night's Presidential Debate, look for the so called
mainstream (corporate controlled) media to claim that Mitt Romney, no
matter what really happens in the debate, will be the winner because he
did a great job and/or held his own against President Barack Obama.
Fact is, Romney will do nothing he hasn't already done in the numerous
Republican debates the past two years... meaning he will duck the issues
by skirting around them with no-content answers while also talking in
circles and generalities and say nothing new at all.
Because the media and their advertisers want this election to be a
"horse race," they will say and do anything to keep it as such.
Barring anything unforeseen, Barack Obama should win this election next
month with approximately 320 (possibly more) Electoral Votes to gain
(Note: The excerpt above is from Heftyinfo on Tuesday, October 2 about what to expect from the debate between Obama and Romney on Wednesday night and it pretty much went just that way.)
A reminder: it is in media's financial interest to make a presidential
election look close and few would ever allow people to say otherwise
- Keith Olbermann via Twitter
That being said, Romney still is saddled with his "swift boat" (see John Kerry in 2004 who was declared the winner of two of the three debates with George W. Bush) of his 47 percent comments gaffe that will not go away.
Not to mention the income taxes he will not reveal and his foreign policy comments gaffe involving the deaths of four people, including a U.S. Ambassador three weeks ago.
He flip flopped (again) on his tax plans when questioned about them and also on health care and would not go near his record as governor of Massachusetts, which ranked 47th in the country in employment figures during the Romney era.
Plus, Romney proved to be a complete jackass by interrupting (mummified) moderator Jim Lehrer repeatedly and even told Lehrer he was going to finish his point. Get off the crack, Mitt because while you might have scored with the media in the first debate, you still haven't said anything about what your plans for this country are all about.
Can't wait for the Vice Presidential debate and the other two exchanges between Romney and Obama.
Stay tuned!
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