Thursday, May 28, 2020

Distract, Distract, Distract - It's The Trump Mantra

Once again, the guy we call our "president" is at it again.
Distract, Distract, Distract.
Donald J. Trump is attempting to put forward "executive action" to thwart Twitter (the very popular social media site he frequents) from putting fact checks against his tweets. I blocked him from my timeline five years ago right after he announced his candidacy for President of the United States.
Fact is, if Trump didn't lie so much, it wouldn't be a problem, but he cannot help himself. Trump telling the truth is actually national news whenever that does happen.
This guy always slams someone personally or else attacks institutions or reputable businesses in this country (or a foreign country) if they don't agree with his point of view or if they are critical of him. It is rather pathetic that he chooses to go after twitter in an attempt to distract from the fact that over 100,000 American people are dead due to COVID-19 and most of that is a result of his administration's inactivity to the pandemic back in the winter. Plus the fact that 41-plus MILLION Americans are unemployed. All of this on his watch.
Trump always attempts to overstep his boundaries as president and he is doing it again over petty arguments because he is so thin skinned. Typical bully he is. He can dish it out, but he definitely cannot take it.
As I have been hearing quite a bit from a lot of Americans, November 3, 2020 cannot get here fast enough so we can get rid of this "orange menace."
In the meantime, I myself will continue to tweet out against Trump whenever his idiocy looms large and that's usually every single day.

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