Saturday, March 6, 2021

Huge COVID-19 Relief Package Passes Congress


President Joe Biden is ready to sign the $1.9 trillion relief bill into law.
The U.S. Senate passed the 1.9 trillion dollar COVID-19 relief package by a 50-49 count (ALL Democratic party support) and soon millions and millions of Americans will have some relief, even though Mitch McConnell (Republican Senate minority leader from Kentucky) did all he could, along with the other 49 Republican party senators, to defeat the bill. 



So, to use President Joe Biden's words from back when the Affordable Care Act passed nearly eleven years ago - This is a BFD . . .  and yes it is. 

Thank God the Democratic party sought to do the right thing even with some bumps along the way. It's always been said the wheels of Congress turn slowly, so there are still a lot of things on the Biden agenda to get done. But one thing at a time. 

Once President Biden signs the legislation into law, the American people will finally get some financial relief they need since this pandemic has been in effect from a year ago . . . and  no thanks to the Republicans on this effort. 

God Bless America - now let us continue to move onward and upward.


1 comment:

  1. And stand firm and loud against those that try to stop our votes, worship at the alatr of a racist, and lie to our faces.

