Friday, September 15, 2023

How To Really Make America Great (Again)

The old slogan from the Ronald Reagan era was 'Make America Great' and then Donald Trump and his crew stole that line and said 'Make America Great (Again)' during the 2016 presidential campaign. 

If you really want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, start by getting rid of Trump and anyone of his ilk immediately. Ban these people from ever being allowed to run for political office or for that matter from even becoming a lobbyist to the D.C. political scene. 

These people are all traitors to the United States of America and anyone who supports them is one and the same. They attempted a coup of the U.S. government on January 6, 2021 and it failed miserably. Many of those suckers and losers (quoting Trump regarding our U.S. military personnel) are now imprisoned for their futile efforts for their dear leader. 

Hope it was worth it for them.

Suckers and losers. 

If anyone with half a brain knows better, they would dump the whole extremist right wing shit show in a heartbeat, but don't hold your breath. 

The only way back for this country to have real economic stability for more than just the chosen few is to shake up the U.S. Supreme Court that caved in and gave the billionaires what they wanted with the awful decision of  'Citizens United' 13 years ago. That led the way for an asshole to become the 45th president of our country.

The main stream media in this country is complicit with all the right wing bullshit as well and also needs a huge revamping to get them off their addiction to everything Trump and the extremism of the right wing.  Get back to reporting real news and not all the he said/she said distractions. Tell your corporate shill bosses to shove it up their ass.

The MAGA movement has done absolutely nothing for the United States and it never will. The whole concept of what these people stand for is useless to our country. 

Suckers and losers is what they are. 

You cannot be soft with these people. Hit them right between the eyes and don't let up. They will go away eventually if enough folks rise up and stand united against the collective bullshit they want to force upon this country. 

Eliminate Trump and his ilk and never let it happen again is the way to truly Make America Great Again.


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