Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The United States of America - Love It or Leave It


Here it is the 4th of July holiday once again and the United States of America  could very well be at a cross roads.

The election in November could determine whether we as a nation (a free and independent country since 1776) stay a democracy or go down the dreaded and gloomy road of fascism. It's simple folks, current President Joe Biden stands for truth, justice and the American way as we have known for nearly 250 years. 



On the other hand, republican nominee and former president and convicted felon Donald J. Trump represents the oligarchs he serves (including his puppet master Vladimir Putin of Russia) and wants to be a dictator. 


The good people of this country who served in World War II were brave soldiers who battled Adolf Hitler and the Nazis and I will be damned to see this country piss on the graves of those who fought against what Trump and his goons want to bring to the USA . . .  fascism.

The 4th of July is a time to celebrate our independence from kings and tyrants as the Founding Fathers intended. 

However, the current edition of the United States Supreme Court (more like a kangaroo court these days) decided that the President of the United States should be a king. 

WTF !!!

The six right wing political hacks on the SCOTUS (John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney-Barrett) are hell bent on getting Trump back into the White House and have bent over backwards on his behalf by declaring that the president has immunity when it comes to breaking the law. 

What in the actual hell is that all about? 

These people are demented. Pure and simple. 

When it comes to the United States of America, the country is meant to be a beacon of light, not a nation of doom and gloom that comes with fascism reigning over the people of the land. There are those who are wanting to see that happen. I would be willing to bet these same folks have never been in the military and would not know the duty of defending their country if called to do so. 

Cowards is what they are. 

But on this holiday of the red, white and blue and stars and stripes, let us celebrate the greatness of the USA and all that is good and that could be again as long as We The People (the first words in our U.S. Constitution) make it happen at the ballot box on November 5th. 

Election Day! 

The feeling here is the good people of this country will keep us a democracy rather than a shit hole country that is known as a fascist one. 

God Bless America and if you are one of those who want to differ with our democracy, then get the hell out and move to Russia or somewhere else on this planet. 

This is the United States of America - so love it or leave it. 

Happy 4th of July!


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