Shame on you Anthony Weiner, you need to resign just like former U.S. House Representative Chris Lee (Republican-NY 26th District) did after his "racy" photos hit the internet.
The U.S. House Representative from New York's ninth district lied, just as did blogger Andrew Breitbart when he misled people with an altered video tape he created of a member of the Obama Administration last year that caused much embarrassment for that person at the time it was released.
There are no winners in this recent episode as the public gets duped once again and a right wing political hack continues to go unscathed.
The fact that Heftyinfo chided Breitbart for his sleaziness in the matter regarding the Weiner photos will remain unchanged.
It just goes to show where this country of ours is regarding politics.
Here's an idea ... how about the news media (including bloggers on the internet) tell the news and not just spew out ideology.
Speaking of which, republican Rick Santorum, a former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, tossed his hat in the presidential race for 2012.
And that is no joke, unlike Breitbart's crap and right wing propaganda that misleads people and adds nothing to solving the real problems we in the United States have these days.
The boneheadedness (I sure hat not even a word) of this Weiner guy is just stupefying Jim. Not only did send the pic but then he lies about it. I thought the Senator's and Governor's of our country were suppose to be our best and brighest but I swear here lately I can't tell. Keep up the good work Jim, I love your blog man.
ReplyDeleteWeiner doesn't want to resign, because he has higher ambitions--NYC Mayor. As for Weiner's sleazy behavior, at first I thought, who cares! But it is looking more and more like he violated some ethics rules, like using the office computers for personal use during work time, etc. If those things can be proven, then I think he should indeed step down. And for Breitbart to take over that press conference of Weiner's (until he got there), well that was sleazy too. If Breitbart wanted to have a press conference he should have his own and if that conference room where it was held was rented, then I think Breitbart should pay for half! How dare he go up and use the podium and microphones that are set up for somebody else! What a jerk.