Saturday, November 5, 2022

Just Vote


Never mind all the hype and scare tactics and especially the lies from shadow money groups trying to influence potential low information voters, just get your ass to the polls on Tuesday, November 8th and VOTE! 

The republican party claims they are going to dominate this election cycle and anoint Trump as the "king" of America . . . fat chance! 

When people turn out in large numbers to vote (as they did in 2018 and 2020) it always favors the Democratic party. 


The numbers have been large again this year in early voting and people also mailing in their ballots, which is much to the chagrin of the republicans. One more thing regarding the "threats" of republicans and their thugs about getting rid of social security and medicare . . . if that were to actually happen, it will be the death of that political party because they are screwing over their very own as well as everyone else if that were to come true. We all pay into those programs and they are not entitlements. They are EARNED BENEFITS paid for by our own money. 

People supporting republicans and their extreme agenda better be careful what they wish for. They will not like it because they will be getting screwed over big time. 

So, just get out there and vote the republican bums out of office. 

It isn't difficult at all. And it is our civic duty to do so. 


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