Friday, January 21, 2011


It's being reported that MSNBC has terminated Keith Olbermann's contract and in fact, just a few minutes a ago, Olbermann signed off for the final time on Countdown.
Once again, the corporations are controlling things and screwing the American public. A coming merger between Comcast and MSNBC will no doubt continue to muzzle the so called "leftist liberal media".
Olbermann off the air and scumbag liars like Hannity, Beck and O' Reilly alllowed to stay on the public television airwaves.
This country of ours is totally misguided and misled by corporate fascists.
It may be time for this blogger to switch internet providers because Comcast can go and screw themselves!


  1. I am dumbfounded. I looked forward to Countdown every night. It was the one show that provided the honest truth. I especially liked Keith's personal commentaries. I am just about fed up with MSNBC. I get so tired of hearing Joe Scarborough go on and on every morning about his GOP viewpoint and now without Keith, I may have to look elsewhere for the news.

  2. Wow, we lost one of our best. Speaking truth to power isn't very popular right now...I'm shocked, mad and sad!

  3. Yeah, I hear both of you... who's next to go over there at MSNBC? Rachel Maddow... Big Ed Schultz. I may have switch over strictly to WCPT-progressive talk radio. Thom Hartmann is there right after Ed Schuktz' radio show and he is incredible!

  4. I listen to Bill Press in the morning and Stephanie Miller and then Ed and Thom and I love Norman Goldman.Mostly everyone that sits in for them,too.If I am driving anywhere on the weekends, I got Ring of Fire with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Mike Papantonio and Allan Colmes. F Comcast!

  5. We lost one of the few guys on our side. Damn it.

  6. Im glad he is gone was crapy on espn to. B.G
