Friday, March 18, 2011

From One American To Another

This needs to be said.
From one American to another.
All I have to say about the current situation in this country of ours (that we still call the United States of America) is that things have got to get back to the basics.
Now I don't know about anyone else, but when I was growing up in the Chicagoland area in the 1970's and 1980's, the United States was a better place.
People got along better and there wasn't all the strife and price gouging going on that we see today.
Politicians were not so blatantly arrogant and dictatorial as they are today.
Just look at the situations going on in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and other states around the nation.
It really is sickening.
You would think with modern day technology and the advancement of working people buying homes and raising families, that all is well.
Guess again!
There is, I feel, an evil force permeating America today and that evil force is one of the seven deadly sins known as greed.
Greed is nothing new to mankind, but it really is out of hand in today's American society.
Look at the garbage that passes for entertainment these days on television and at the movies. It's no wonder people's priorities get messed up and real responsibility isn't met.
In days past, people really stood by one another and we didn't have the constant political tension going on in the country we have today.
Now, I will admit that Heftyinfo does not hold back, but in this instance I am open to suggestions from people who regularly read this blog.
Even those who may be casual readers or first-timers feel free to offer suggestions on what can be done to help this country of ours get back to the basics and become a producer nation once again where real wages are paid to people for a fair day of work.
Where the tax breaks aren't piled up on the middle class (or what is left of what we consider a middle class) and the tax breaks go to the richest two percent of Americans.
You know, pay your fair share... everybody that is.
Here's a chance for some real correspondence, but maybe I shouldn't hold my breath because it seems like a lot of people these days (for whatever reasons) just do not care anymore.
From one American to another, get your thoughts and facts together and express your views.
And one other thing, "Have a good day, unless you choose to do otherwise."


  1. When politics became more about winning all the time instead of governing in the best interests of the greatest number of people, that's where we went wrong.

  2. I am at a total loss as to know what to do. I am tired of it all. I am tired of the bickering and lying politicians. I am tired of the greedy corporate billionaires. I am tired of all the stupidity I see in the media. I am tired of the lack of concern and respect shown by young people. I fear for my grandchildren's futures if this pattern continues. The best I can do is pray for the survival of this great country, but it's beginning to feel like I'm sailing on the Titanic. I hope it's not too late to turn this ship around.
