Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Here's To The New Year

Here's to the New Year . . .

Let's hope it's a good one for our country we call the United States of America.

Looking back at the past few years, it has to get better for millions of Americans who have been left behind by the current presidential administration. And the word administration is used very loosely with this guy and his cohorts.

The story of 2019 without a doubt was the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump in the U.S. House of Representatives. Kudos to those folks who have the merit to do this. It was long overdue.

As for the new year, it's an election year as well as a leap year, so here's hoping we as a country can leap past the mistake of four years ago when the orange menace was chosen to be the president.

As 2020 begins, we can be hopeful the news media in this country, so much under corporate control, will analyze the upcoming presidential election in an unbiased manner. Unlike four years ago when it was wall-to-wall Trump coverage nonstop. Hell, if Trump took a shit, it was covered by some news outlet. That must stop!

As far as the U.S. House and U.S. Senate elections go this year, here's hoping the Democratic party maintains control of the House and regains control of the Senate from the Republicans, which they have held since the 2014 elections.

The fact is we have a poser president and his many minions in the U.S. Senate that enable him to do the lunacy he has been enacting as POTUS since 2017. That must stop!

Here in Illinois, "recreational" marijuana use is now legal with the new year as Illinois is now the 11th state in the nation to legalize pot. However, that can be both a good and bad thing.

Whatever is in store for the next 366 days of 2020, here's hoping good old common sense takes over from the lunacy that has pervaded Washington, D.C. and many other parts of the United States and people can get back to what it is that makes life worthwhile with good harmony toward each other.

Happy New Year !

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