Tuesday, July 21, 2020

COVID-19: The Return Of Lyin' Donald

After the debacle that was the daily "press briefings" of the Trump COVID-19 task force back in the
spring, we are now going to get round two of Donald Trump taking over what is supposed to be information regarding the coronavirus pandemic, which by the way he predicted would go away in April.
Trump made a complete ass of himself back in March and April before network (and local) news decided to pull the plug on the farce that was the COVID-19 "press briefings" that morphed into mini campaign  rallies for Trump.
It's all this guy knows how to do. He is not a president, he's a "celebrity" because that's all he can do.
Originally, Vice President Mike Pence was to lead the coronavirus task force but Trump can't help himself. He has to be front and center regarding everything. Look at what has been happening in Portland, Oregon with secret "police" coming in to stir up trouble among what are mostly peaceful protestors.
Add to that the Russian bounty on our American troops that resulted in the deaths of said troops overseas while Trump claimed ignorance to it all. The reporters that do show up for the nonsense Trump will provide in the coming days and weeks should hammer him with questions regarding the Russian bounty paid to foreign enemies to kill our troops. Do not let up on him because he did absolutely nothing to stop that action.
Trump insisted that people take dangerous drugs (hydroxychloroquine) as well as ingest disinfectants and drink Lysol bleach cleaning products to fight off COVID-19 and once that idiocy came forward, the briefings were stopped back in late April.
Since then, he and his administration have launched an all out attack on Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leading health expert on viral diseases, because he tells the truth regrading COVID-19 and doesn't sugar coat the fact this pandemic is not going away any time soon. However, the Trump toadies (Dr. Birk comes to mind) have escaped the wrath of the orange menace because they bow to his will.
Look for the same tired schtick from Trump and his cohorts when these "press briefings" get going and of course now that Trump and his team control the information regarding COVID-19 cases and deaths from hospitals across the country, they will spin those numbers to make themselves look good. Hospitals are no longer required to turn the information over to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) regarding COVID-19.
Trump has to always control the narrative and a big part of the problem is the media lets him get away with it time and time again. Of course, the corporate influence over the bulk of the media has a lot to do with that conformity to the Trump administration.
With his approval ratings floundering around in the high 30's (perhaps even as high as 40 percent) Trump knows he is not likely to win the election this November so he will do all he possibly can to distract people and suppress the vote.

After all, the presidential election is just a little over three months away. 

Stay tuned. 

1 comment:

  1. He'll use these less to talk about the virus and more of a campaign stop. I won't watch.
