Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A Nation Of Imbeciles


Welcome to the United States of America in 2020 - we have become a nation of imbeciles. 

Several months ago when this coronavirus pandemic first hit the United States of America, it was obvious things were not going to be normal anytime soon. But as the days and weeks went by, people started to grow restless of staying indoors and having to wear protective masks out in public, etc.  We all know the story so there is no sense in recounting it all. 

A big part of the reason this country is being ravaged again by the COVID-19 virus is because Trump and his clown show hijacked the coronavirus task force last spring and he turned it all into a freak show. Again, there's no need to recount everything in detail. We all know Trump is a complete idiot and he is currently giving us more reasons to believe it. 

The guy lost an election and continues to live in looney land by claiming he didn't lose. Trump obviously doesn't know his math too well. But again, no need to go into details regarding this imbecile because in roughly 70 days he will be gone from the White House.

The unfortunate part is so much damage has been done by this boob and his incompetence it will take quite some time to repair it. I don't envy Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as they take over the Executive Branch in January. Very happy they won the election, but they have a mountain of work ahead of them. 

They will be dealing with a traitorous party we call the Republican party. These people from the GOP  are already doing what they can to gum up the works in the transition period and the chief culprit is current U.S. Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) who will do all he can to ensure our country stays stuck right where it is. 

Along with Trump, Mitch McConnell is the asshole of the decade for sure. 

Now let's get to the media and their role in all of this. Having studied in journalism nearly 40 years ago, it is appalling to see the amount of blatant false reporting and the "kids glove" treatment Trump has received these past four or five years. Most of that is the fault of FOX (so called) News. They finally FINALLY called out Trump in the past week and questioned his motives with his frivolous lawsuits to stop election results where he lost. Other networks have finally started to cut away from the press conferences he holds in recent days as well. Should have been doing that since 2015 gang.

When it comes to sports in this country, we have also gone off the deep end. We are in the middle (STILL) of a fucking pandemic that is raging once again and has killed nearly a quarter of a million Americans and the body count continues to move upward. But to hear reporters and announcers on the sports networks (ESPN, CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, etc.) tell it, everything is just fine and sports can continue on. 

Good luck with that one.

The NFL and college football are being body slammed in recent weeks with the COVID-19 forcing postponements of games and rescheduling of the games as well. This year's sports have been a joke. And I'm also including the NHL and NBA and their bubble approaches. Sure, they did go through their playoffs and crown a champion as did Major League Baseball with a 60-game season, but let's be real, all that was about was money and lost revenue with major networks and advertising. There is the talk of college hoops starting in a week or two and the NBA by Christmas for the 2020-21 seasons . . . again, good luck with that one because there won't be any bubbles for protection this time around.

Having posted about that subject a couple of months back as well, I can only say I am not budging on my views about it. I'm still as big a sports fan as anyone, but these people in charge have to face reality and just bag it for this year and come back next year when this vaccine for COVID-19, which we are now hearing from Pfizer (not idiot Trump) could be ready soon. 

It's being reported that could happen in just a couple of months from now. So fingers crossed on that.

The fact is we have to deal with this virus pandemic in real world terms, not looney land terms. Trump and his madness wants to continue with the "herd immunity" strategy and that is nothing but insanity. It's the main reason his ass was voted out by nearly 76 million people and counting. The people of the USA are ready to move onward and upward with or without Trump and his followers. Enough said.

Let's keep it real folks and get back to sanity and the real world once Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can set forward a real agenda for our country. 

Let's Go!  



1 comment:

  1. I've long said that ignorance is the real virus.

    And Mitch McConnell is the devil.
