Sunday, March 5, 2023

Sunday Thoughts And Musings

As the month of March is now upon us, it's time to think about a variety of events and muse about them.

For example, in the world of sports, the big story right now rather than March Madness (which will begin in earnest this coming week all leading up to selection Sunday on March 12) it's all about the troubles of the NBA's Memphis Grizzlies star player Ja Morant. It appears that Morant was showing a gun late Friday night/early Saturday morning while partying with friends at an establishment. 

Morant has been spectacular playing on the court in his first four years in the league, but recently has had some bad behavior in public that would make former NBA "Bad Boy" Dennis Rodman blush with embarrassment. The NBA should come down very hard on this type of thing, especially with all the mass shootings taking place in this country. There's nothing glorious about gun violence.

Speaking of this country, when will former president Donald Trump finally be held accountable for all his misdeeds and crimes by the Department of Justice? Attorney General Merrick Garland is so wishy washy about dealing with this guy. Not sure why, because the January 6th Committee did their work and showed nearly all the evidence pointing to Trump as the main culprit in the coup attempt (attention main stream media - it was way more than just a riot) a little over two years ago. 


Hey DOJ, get busy!  Trump belongs behind bars. Period. End of discussion.

And while we are at it regarding the media, when will Fox "News" be categorized as opinion television rather than a legitimate news source?

So many people (mostly older Americans ranging in the ages of 45-74) are duped by these fools who have no interest whatsoever in the United States of America. Hell, these people are openly rooting for Russian thug Vladimir Putin to crush Ukraine. How pathetic is that? 

Locally in Chicago, the mayoral election is ongoing and it will be between Paul Vallas (I call him a carpet bagger because he is nothing but an opportunist who has moved from city to city for years for his own political benefit) and Brandon Johnson, a former radio talk show host with close ties to the Chicago Teachers Union. It's a white man and a black man running for the office, so look for the racists to come out from under their rocks for the next month. Interesting times indeed in the Windy City.

Down in Florida, dictator wannabe Ron DeSantis (the so called governor of that state) continues to force his will upon the citizens in the sunshine state. This guy is sickening and needs to be put in his place. As an elected official, he is a public servant, he is not a dictator. He seems to have forgotten that somewhere along the line and there is NOTHING patriotic about that.

Another cartoon looking character is Steve Bannon, a former Trump accomplice in January 6th coup attempt, who still is not behind bars even though he was sentenced late last summer to serve four months (slap on the wrist) in prison following his conviction for bilking people out of money for the building the wall effort down at the U.S./Mexican border a few years ago. Something fishy with this whole thing because it's normally just a couple of months granted to an individual to get their affairs in order before reporting to the slammer. Stay tuned.

Let's talk about climate change too . . . has anyone been checking out the bizarre weather all over the world recently? Snow in the deserts in southwestern parts of the United States is just one example of the crazy weather along with the warm temps that have occurred regularly in colder climate areas all over the globe. Meanwhile, the deniers continue to suck up to the oil industry which contributes to the problem. Some things never change. Maybe one day some sense will pour into the lawmakers and they'll grow a pair and stand up to the culprits. 

Money is a big problem with all of that (thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in 2010 on the so called "citizens" united decision) as the dark shadow money pours into elections nationwide and corrupts the process of "We the People" choosing our elected leaders. Hell, some states (always the red ones) want to do away with the electoral process and just dictate (there's that ugly word again) who will be the political leaders to do the bidding of the billionaires and big corporate interests. 

Not all is lost though and the 2022 Congressional mid-term elections proved that. Granted, the republican party gained control of the U.S. House of Representatives by a very slim margin, but it's nowhere near the 20-30 seat advantage the political pundits were calling for. The U.S. Senate is razor thin as well with the Democratic party holding the lead. And above all, Joe Biden is the President of the United States and normalcy has returned to the Oval Office following the four years (2017-2021) of absolute corruption and chaos when the traitor in chief was there. 

God Bless America is an understatement these days it seems, but as long as the people of this country stay "woke" against the bad guys (mostly republican politicians and religious zealots) teaming with the fascists and corrupt oligarchs across the world, there is definitely hope to retain and empower our democracy. 

My fellow Americans, stay woke and be well.


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