Friday, June 21, 2024

What's Up With Early Debates?

Why are the U.S. Presidential debates taking place so early this time around? 

It makes no sense whatsoever to have a debate between President Joe Biden and convicted felon and presumptive republican nominee Donald Trump in late June. The presidential debates have always been in late September and during the month of October. What is with the nonsense of June 27th for the first one of only two debates for the upcoming election? 

Something doesn't pass the smell test with this format. 

Think about it . . . here is Trump (a 78-year old man with 34 felony convictions) and he is going to have a debate with our sitting president even though he hasn't officially been declared the nominee yet. The Republican convention isn't even taking place until next month. 

Very peculiar how the system is bending over backwards for this convicted felon, including the United States Supreme Court (at least six of the justices that is) to keep him relevant and out of prison. 

That milk needing judge down in Florida (Aileen Cannon) is another piece of shit who is committing crimes with her handling of Trump's espionage case for stealing classified documents and likely selling them to the highest bidders in Russia or Saudi Arabia. 

Think about it . . .  BSM didn't give Jared Kushner (Trump's son-in-law) TWO BILLION DOLLARS for no reason. 

This whole thing stinks and we the American people are sick and tired of it all. 

Complicit corporate controlled media and a corrupt SCOTUS adding to all the shit that Trump is involved in on a world wide scale as well. 

Corruption. Corruption. Corruption. 

In any case, the debates will be held and President Biden will mop the floor with Trump once again, just like he did four years ago. 

Count on it. 

In the meantime, my fellow Americans . . . check and re-check your voter registration record and make sure you are eligible to vote and get out there and VOTE (either early or on November 5th) to ensure the fascists get their asses handed to them nationwide. 

Millions of good American citizens are counting on it.

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