Friday, February 28, 2025

Wisen Up Folks

Wisen up folks! 

The way Trump and Musk have been trying to do things recently is insane and the good people of the United States of America are beginning to rise up and tell them (along with numerous republican and some democratic members of the U.S. House and Senate) that this is NOT ACCEPTABLE. 


We all have seen the recent actions of this so called presidential administration and all the harm they are willing to inflict on everyday Americans just so corporations and the richest of the rich in this country can have another tax cut. 


We are not having it and to put it simply . . .  a foreigner (Musk) has absolutely no business dictating to us what will be done with OUR MONEY when it comes to Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security (an earned benefit we paid into all our lives) just so one percent of the U.S. population can have more. 

Simply put, REAL Presidents of the United States of America do no act this way. 

Trump is a convicted felon and a traitor to this country who tried to lead a coup attempt (which failed) against the United States government four years ago. And now here he is back somehow as the "leader" of this country trying the same old script and we are NOT having it. 

The people of this country are wise to the bullshit of Trump and his minions and the so called news media of this country needs to wisen up as well. Those corporate toadies are useless when it comes to competent coverage of actual facts of this criminal regime attempting to ruin this country. 

Don't let up folks . . . keep the pressure on them and soon enough Trump, Musk and all the rest of their criminal accomplices will fade away into obscurity. 

God Bless America . . . Our country!

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