Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday Stew

Lots and lots going on these days... here's a look from a different perspective.
(Note: I am not a professional "journalist" like the ones we see on TV; but I do hold a degree in the field... just don't care to work for the corporate controlled media)

So with that being said, here we go.

Kudos to President Barack Obama for the firing of General McChrystal this past week.

Taking a 'wait-and-see' attitude on the "financial reform" bill passed by the House this past week. I still question whether or not Wall Street and the mega banks will really have to comply with these said regulations.

Regarding the above, it was Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) who said the banks run things in Washington, D.C.

Why is CNN being criticized for hiring former NY governor Eliot Spitzer to be a host?
After all, Fox "News" channel hired Oliver North, a convicted felon, years ago... didn't they?

The U.S. is out of the World Cup Soccer tournament... when does NFL Football get started?

How about those Chicago White Sox, 11 wins in a row and right back in contention in the American League Central.

With all due respect to Keith Olbermann, the "Worst Person in the World" should permanently go to the republicans in the U.S. Senate for killing the jobs bill and thus cutting off desperately needed money for millions of unemployed AMERICAN people.

The G-20 Summit in Toronto, Canada... is that really necessary?

The tea party... what will they do after the November elections when their "candidates" get their collective clocks cleaned by the true patriotic people of this country?

Former VP Dick Cheney supposedly had another heart attack ... cue the videotape of Fred Sanford screaming out, "This is it Elizabeth, I'm coming to join you. This is the big one."

RIP... Gulf of Mexico.

Oh yeah, America celebrates her 234th birthday next week...


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