Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wall Street Greed Continues To Wreak Havoc On Americans

Let me get this straight, I see the demand for gasoline has gone DOWN for the last five weeks in a row, but the prices continue to sky rocket ($4.00 plus per gallon in Chicagoland) for no apparent reason.
Must be those Wall Street bastards once again driving up the prices because of their speculation on futures of oil.
How else do you explain prices of gasoline continuing to go UP when the demand is going DOWN?

The same thing continues to happen with food prices at the local grocery stores.
Just last week at a Jewel Food Store near my residence, the price for a one pound package of Oscar Meyer bacon was $7.88.
That is outrageous!
Speculation on foods such as meats, poultry and grains as well as dairy products continues to drive up food prices as well.
Wall Street is utterly useless as far as I'm concerned when crap like this continually happens.
If this continues, America will be at a stand still because most people will not be able to afford to do anything or go anywhere.
The sign below tells what we can expect this summer as the gas prices continue to soar.

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