Friday, April 15, 2011

May We Never Forget

It's sad, but a little over a year ago, Massey Energy was in the news because of a coal mining tragedy in West Virginia that killed 29 coal miners.
The Massey Energy Company had over 600 safety violations in less than two years prior to the methane gas explosion that occurred just over a year ago and company president Don Blankenship (pictured upper right) has been given a free pass it seems by our corporate media ever since this story went away.
The BP (Amoco) oil spill happened just a few weeks later and DOMINATED the news for weeks and the men killed in the mining accident and Blankenship faded away from the public view.
May we never forget what happened and hope that the EPA and OSHA regulations will ALWAYS remain funded and left in place, despite efforts by Republicans in our U.S. Congress to do away with such funding, to protect America's workers.
May We Never Forget!

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