So now Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Nancy Pelosi are leading the charge by the Democratic party to force U.S. House representative Anthony Weiner (D- NY 9th District) to resign from the House?
You wouldn't see the GOP doing that.
In fact, when U.S. Senator David Vitter was busted for soliciting prostitutes (including from the U.S. Senate floor ON THE TAXPAYERS' DIME) he didn't resign and was given a standing ovation by fellow Republican senators when he returned to the Senate.
Last week, Heftyinfo declared that Weiner should resign (and he probably will eventually) from the House like Chris Lee (Republican from NY- 26th District) did.
But the way people are piling on this guy is ridiculous and smacks of the double standard that allows the GOP to get away with the sleaze like Vitter committed last year.
Enough already!
When Vitter announces his resignation, then so should Anthony Weiner.
But don't bet on that happening.
Double standards... double standards ... double standards.
That's what this is and I defy anyone to declare otherwise.
The "mainstream" news media, which is corporate controlled, needs to get back to real issues and stories and investigate why all of these unethical bozos in our nation's capitol are continuing to fawn a debate on a budget for this nation.
C'mon man!
Leave the Weiner man alone already and report the real news.
Press the GOP (and blue dog Democrats) as to why they want to continue to lick the corporate boots and ignore the interests of the people of this great nation of ours.
As for the leadership of the Democratic party, grow a spine already.
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