Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Time For Some Tidbits

Some political tidbits on this fine October day . . .

Today in the state of Pennsylvania, justice was served!
The ridiculous law known as a "Voter ID" law (really it is voter suppression ID law) in that state was struck down as unlawful today by a PA judge and will not be enforced in the upcoming Presidential election next month.
People will now have two full years to get an extremely hard to obtain photo ID to be used strictly for voring purposes. A simple photo ID should be all that is required ... period.
This says wonders about Voter ID laws in our country today, because in Texas, a gun card (with photo) can be used to prove identity in  order to vote, but a college student photo ID is not allowed. WTF?!

Enough on that, but first watch this video and laugh your ass off at this GOP clown ... HAH!

As far as tomorrow night's Presidential Debate, look for the so called mainstream (corporate controlled) media to claim that Mitt Romney, no matter what really happens in the debate, will be the winner because he did a great job and/or held his own against President Barack Obama.
Fact is, Romney will do nothing he hasn't already done in the numerous Republican debates the past two years... meaning he will duck the issues by skirting around them with no-content answers while also talking in circles and generalities and say nothing new at all.
Because the media and their advertisers want this election to be a "horse race," they will say and do anything to keep it as such.
Barring anything unforeseen, Barack Obama should win this election next month with approximately 320 (possibly more) Electoral Votes to gain re-election.

Why is Massachusetts U.S. Senator (Republican) Scott Brown constantly talking down his opponent, Elizabeth Warren?
Could it be he is so ego-maniacal he just cannot stand to be defeated by a female opponent?
Stay tuned, because that race is going to be a good one.

Back to voter suppression for a moment, it seems the GOP has been fixated with this going back to the Jim Crow Laws prior to the Voting Rights Act in the mid-1960's.
More recently than that, Paul Weyrich, who was heavily involved with both Bush Presidential campaigns as well as Ronald Reagan's, is featured in this following video clip ... take a good listen to what this guy was saying.


In addition to working on those GOP campaigns, Weyrich, who is now deceased, also helped to found ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) and also the Heritage Foundation. ALEC is behind many of the bogus voter suppression ID laws going on around the country the past two years or so.

Here is Weyrich in 1980 while campaigning for Reagan.

Just goes to show you that the GOP has been looking to suppress voting rights for practically 30 plus years   . . . it's nothing new with these people.

Look for Obama and Romney to trade some barbs and zingers in the debates while hopefully discussing the real issues facing our country. If all goes according to script, it should really just solidify Barack Obama's hold on the polling leads he has going into the final four weeks of the campaign.

Speaking of the election campaigns, here's hoping the "tea party" gets it's come uppance and is kicked out of the leadership role in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Plus, keep that Kentucky Fried Idiot known as Senator Mitch McConnell from keeping his pledge as U.S. Senate minority leader to make President Obama "a one-term president."

And one last thing, if you choose to do so and your state has it, vote early as that has already begun in several states around the country.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely with your assessment of the debates. It'll be played as a "tie" of sorts but Mittsy's goin' down, and even the GOP knows it.
