Sunday, July 14, 2024

Chaos At Trump Campaign Rally - Gee, What A Surprise


Thoughts and prayers . . . 

So a registered republican voter took some shots with an  AR-15 assault rifle at Donald Trump's campaign rally in western Pennsylvania on Saturday evening. 

Thoughts and prayers . . . 

Will this change things in regard to gun violence and the insane attacks that take place pretty much regularly in our country? Not likely. 

Thoughts and prayers . . . 

Trump is an advocate for violence and helped to incite the failed coup attempt on our government on January 6th (2021) and now he himself has been targeted by a gun toting loony. 

Thoughts and prayers . . .

There are questions already circulating as to whether this was staged to get pressure off Trump for the Jeffrey Epstein controversies of which his name is on the list for the sexual exploitation of underage girls. It's said how convenient it is now that the list has been released that this event occurred. Conspiracy theories abound so where is Alex Jones for this latest one? 

Thoughts and prayers . . . 

The Republican National Convention begins this week in Milwaukee so now Trump can pretend he is a martyr (of sorts) for the cult that hangs on his every word and action. 

Thoughts and prayers . . . 

The convicted felon and traitor Trump can say things against President Joe Biden and other political figures and he made fun of that hammer attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband two years ago, so why shouldn't people go after him when he gets the violent treatment? It's called KARMA. 

Thoughts and prayers . . . 

You reap what you sow, Mr. Trump. 

Thoughts and prayers . . . 

Yep - that infamous republican mantra whenever a school shooting or any other mass shooting occurs throughout the land  . . .  

Thoughts and prayers.

Let's all be safe out there and carry on. 

God Bless America!








  1. Thoughts and prayers, indeed.
    Thoughts that it seems a bit staged and prayers that the truth comes out.

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