Saturday, July 13, 2024



President Joe Biden isn't going anywhere. 

After nearly four years of a superb presidential record since taking the oath of office, Joe Biden has come under fire from not only his political opponents, but also from within the Democratic party to withdraw from this year's election following a poor debate "performance" two weeks ago. 


That debate, hosted by CNN and "moderated" by Dana Bash and Jake Tapper (two political reporting hacks) was actually an ambush against the incumbent president to jump start a "political HORSE RACE" mentality throughout the country in an effort (for whatever insane reasons) to help get a convicted felon and traitor to the United States into the White House. 

Donald Trump is a traitor and convicted felon who MUST be treated as such as the election comes around in a little less than four months. 

Why anyone would vote for him is beyond comprehension and it shows just how far the levity of people is and also how far our collective moral compass has fallen in this country in recent times. 

That is the reason why Joe Biden is the nominee for re-election of the presidency this November. 

He knows how to get the job done and he isn't running to keep his own ass out of jail unlike Trump, who was an absolute sellout to world dictators along with criminal activity during his four year run as president. 

Run Joe Run

  . . . and do not give in to the minority of panicking voices within the Democratic party wanting to go with a younger candidate to take on the 78 year old Trump, who is no spring chicken himself. 

Granted, Biden is 81 years old and has shown signs of slowing down as we all do as we age. The fact is Trump himself has made just as many if not more verbal gaffes than Biden and he is backed by extremist right wing political people (Heritage Foundation among many others) who want to take this country back nearly two centuries with their ideology. 

Newsflash . . .  It's not going to happen. 

Go out and look up PROJECT 2025 . . . which a is a manifesto that would have made Adolf Hitler proud. These people are nuts and think they are kings and queens and the rest of us nothing more than serfs in their warped view of this world.

The people of this country are not going to let the so called "main stream" media dictate how OUR election process should go. 

The corporate controlled media in the United States has been bombarding people with nothing but Biden should drop out of the presidential "race" while they also ignore all the criminality of Trump. That is due to a BOUGHT AND PAID FOR legal system that has been bending over backwards to keep Trump relevant for the election and also keep him out of prison. 

The U.S. Supreme Court is compromised and basically has become a legal defense team for traitorous felon Trump as well as Aileen Cannon, another so called judge in Florida who is interfering in the prosecution of Trump for stealing classified documents after his presidency ended in January of 2021. 

The media ignores all of that and pounds on Joe Biden for a debate that was totally bogus with no fact checking of the lies Trump spewed for over an hour. 

The fourth estate has been relegated to a shambles ever since the Reagan years (1981-89) and needs to get back to doing their job, not being cheerleaders for an extremist minority right wing agenda for this country. 

Therefore, it is with pride and civic duty that Joe Biden is the endorsed candidate to serve another four years as President of the United States of America. 

Run Joe Run!  

And God Bless the United States of America.


  1. He has my vote, and if HE decides not to run, I vote for whomever takes his place.

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