Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Has it already been a year?

One year ago, a decision was made to launch a blog site and heftyinfo was born.
Why the name heftyinfo?
Simply put, it just came to mind.
Hefty meaning "big" and info meaning "news"... Big News ... heftyinfo.
The first post told Dick Cheney to 'Shut Up!' and we have not stopped since.
One year later, the United States has a health care reform law and now we are faced with the worst possible ecological disaster in our nation's history as the Gulf of Mexico is being raped by BP and the oil barons with the oil spill in recent weeks.
But over at Fox "News" (there is a reason for the quotation marks around news when it comes to the Fox Channel) they are chanting "Drill Baby Drill" once again as the right wing talking heads (William Kristol, Sean Hannity, Bill O' Reilly, Dana Perino, Glenn Beck, etc.) are going all out in the call for the United States to continue offshore drilling.
These people would sell their own mother down the river for a profit.
What a bunch of corporate boot lickers they are at Fox "News" Channel. Right Wing shills is what they are and always will be.
More and more people are finally waking up to this fact and Glenn Beck has seen his ratings drop by one-third since January.
Finally, people are waking up to the nonsense that is Fox "News".
A year ago, we told Cheney to 'shut up' and will continue to do so as well as going after the Fox Channel and all of their idiocy.
Here we go as Year Two begins for heftyinfo...
Stay tuned and thank you for your support and feedback.

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