Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Whatever happened to...

Whatever happened to?

Courtesy for other people, in particular your neighbors and their interests and possessions.

Common sense among people regarding things that are just PLAIN WRONG!

People questioning authority when it's obvious something was done illegally and it just gets swept "under the rug."

Real news coverage of events that affect people's lives in some way or another.

Respect by the younger generation for those who are more experienced in life.

People waiting for two other people to finish a conversation or thought, etc. before interrupting with their own "two cents."

News reporters being held accountable for what they say or write.

Respect for the working people of the United States of America.

Hard work and knowing that you gave eight hours of service for eight hours of pay.


Drivers who actually use turn signals when turning or changing lanes in traffic.

Business people who actually care more about the customer than the bottom line.

Loyalty among workers for their companies.

Loyalty among management for the workers of their companies.

Two-for-one offers more than "once in a blue moon."

People who disagree with one another actually working on a common solution to solve the problem.

Honor among politicians.

The Middle Class of America.

The United States of America.

1 comment:

  1. I want to know too. Where did it go? Maybe I am a cynic, but the older I get the worse things look. It boils down to one word - respect. Society in general seems to have lost respect for anything and everything unless it pertains to themselves. I wonder if we can ever get it back?
