Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Don't Believe The Hype

The political pundits in cable news have been telling Americans for nearly a year now that the Republican party is going to make SIGNIFICANT GAINS in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
Don't believe the hype.
Here's why...

1. The GOP is the main reason for the economic calamity this country is currently experiencing.

Need proof?

Well, for starters, Ronald Reagan, the patron saint of the conservative movement, came into office in 1981 and it was his tax cuts for the wealthiest people of this land that started everything.
The trickle down theory DOES NOT WORK!
George Bush Sr. then had a four-year term after Reagan and he was defeated by Bill Clinton, a Democrat, who is equal to blame with the "corporate mentality" that a lot of our political representatives seem to have.
While Clinton left a surplus upon leaving office, his administration pushed through the God forsaken policy of NAFTA and the WTO that our country entered into.
Big mistakes.
Of course, a lot of politicians are bought and paid for by Washington, D.C. lobbyists and special interests which leads to policies that benefit multi-national corporations but SCREW THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
Most recently, Bush Jr. and Cheney came into the White House after the infamous 2000 election and gave yet another tax cut to the wealthiest people of this land.
Again, the trickle down theory DOES NOT WORK!
The point is that the Republicans are counting on the American people (VOTERS) being stupid and not remembering any of the past eight years prior to President Obama taking office in 2009.

2. Republicans are the party of NO!

All the GOP has done for the past two years after being swept in the historic 2008 elections, is obstruct... obstruct... and obstruct some more.

For example, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina called for the defeat of the health care reform bill as being Barack Obama's "Waterloo."
Healthy care passed last spring and the GOP is already vowing to repeal it IF they can just get back the majority in the House and/or Senate.
Wrong again...
The 'x' factor being that President Obama has the power of the veto pen and whatever the Republican party wishes to do IF they achieve their goal, would be struck down by Obama.
The GOP has done NOTHING to help small businesses and they continually stall and block legislation in the Senate (and House) that would help the American people and then they expect to get our votes?
Screw you!
One hand is supposed to wash the other, but these people that represent the rich, corporate agenda (aka the Republican party) continue to mount their claim that they should be put back in power in the U.S. Congress and some of them even work for the Fox Channel.
The Fox Channel- you know them... Fox "News." We Distort. You Comply.
The GOP was in the majority when the Bush tax cuts went into effect in 2001 and they installed the "sunset" provision that allows said tax cuts to expire after 10 years.
Here we are at the 10 year point and the GOP is constantly drumming it up that President Obama is "raising taxes".
No ... he is NOT raising taxes.
Fact is the tax cuts are do to expire and that is what will happen and then (FINALLY) the richest two percent of the people who call themselves American citizens will have to pay their fair share.

3. The GOP is on the wrong sides of the real issues facing Americans.

The GOP and their "tea party" brothers and sisters are funded by the corporate lobbyists (Freedom Works, Koch Industries, etc.) pretty much name any right wing agenda you care to and for the most part they are the ones who are behind the "teabaggers" movement.
What this all means of course is that they want to take this country back to the past and the failed policies of the right wing agenda.
In short what these people want is a two-class system and they have been preying upon the fears of the "average" citizen of this country to be the front for their bogus agenda.
They prey upon misinformed voters.
The fact is that people want jobs and the security they knew and were accustomed to while living their lives in the United States of America prior to the corporate/Wall Street take over of the U.S. government which led to the financial meltdown two years ago.
Remember that?
Problem is (mostly) the GOP is in bed with the corporations that OUTSOURCE Americans' jobs overseas and then expect tax breaks for doing this.
Of course, the political suck-ups oblige and the rich get richer and the hell with the rest of us.
The GOP and the right is counting on the American people to be stupid come November when they step into the voting booth.

. . .

It's really sad because the Fox Channel gets a ton of viewers and all they are is a right wing propaganda mouth piece.
The only evidence one needs is that Fox's owner Rupert Murdoch's company gave one million dollars to the Republican Governor's Association.
A "news" channel is not to engage in that sort of activity.
There is NO defending that conduct and that is just more proof that the right wing and their corporate cohorts are hell bent on having their own way... the United States of America be damned.

Some of us still have faith in the American people not to fall prey to these fear mongers and hate mongers on the right that back the corporate/Wall Street agenda.

Granted, the Democratic party is the majority in D.C. and that almost always means losses in a mid-term election as far as numbers go.
But don't believe the hype by the corporate controlled media that Republicans ARE going to regain the majority in the House and possibly the Senate.
It AIN'T gonna happen!
The call here is for the GOP to pick up perhaps 20 seats in the U.S. House, which is half of what they need to regain the majority.
In the U.S. Senate, look for the GOP at the most to gain four or perhaps five seats.
Whether you are a Republican or Democratic supporter, right wing or left doesn't matter... you have your own thoughts on these political matters and the effects they will have on millions of Americans' lives, including your own.
But I dare say it, the GOP will not (repeat) WILL NOT take back the House or Senate in the 2010 mid-term elections...

Check back here in November when all the votes have been counted.

Until then, just do your part and get out the vote!

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