Sunday, September 5, 2010


How different is our country as we keep listening to the repeated propaganda being bantered by the extremists on the right about how bad it is for the United States of America when they in fact made the mess by conforming to corporate influences.
A definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.
So why would people of this country want to go back to what the corporate "masters" want you to believe?
Because the people knocked out of power by We The People are drunk on power and cannot stand being out of it in Washington, D.C.
This is a reflection of how those following this propaganda are... the fear mongers sound the alarms and the people blindly obey what they are constantly told by the masters of the propaganda, particularly on the master right wing sound machine ... Fox Channel.
If a lie is repeated often enough, people eventually believe it.
In a sense, because of the right wing propaganda machine, We The People are not that far from what happens in this movie clip.

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