Wednesday, August 5, 2009

DNC Fires Back - The Daily Beast

DNC Fires Back - The Daily Beast

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  1. These "protesters" are bought and paid for by Dick Armey and his cronies in the health care insurance industry.
    It's a joke what they are even attempting to do. It's a throwback to what the mobs were doing at the McCain-Palin campaign rallies a year ago when they were shouting "Kill Him!" regarding President Obama.
    What needs to happen is for people to show an ID at these town hall meetings and if they are not a resident within that particular district, then they get NO ENTRY into the town hall. Simple enough and it would stop these corporate shills from all the nonsense.

  2. I saw the reports of those town hall meetings yesterday and was totally disgusted. I can not believe the lengths the GOP is going to, to try and crumble this health care plan and then claim victory over defeating Obama. I am sick of Glen Beck, Sean Hannnity, and Rush Limbaugh.

  3. Yes, I agree - it's just nuts. The only silver lining would be if these protesters manage to get reform defeated, and then lose their own health insurance. "Oops, wait, this is not what we had in mind!" I think they are clueless. The manipulation by the right-wing media and big business is disgusting.
